Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Skinny Boy

Timmy was a big baby. Starting at 2 weeks he was in the 90% for both weight and height for awhile. Then one slowed down to 75%. Sometime between 6-12 months he just stopped growing at a rapid rate. He weighed just over 19 pounds at 6 months and was only 20 at 12 months. His height also slowed down. Since 12 months he has been 25% or less for his growth. Today he had his 2 year check up. His height is at 25%, up 10% from his 18 month check up. But his weight, 5%. He can't were any pants over 18 months because they fall down and then I have to safety pin most of his pins anyway. He's gained all of 3 pounds in the last year. He is not a picky eater either and eats very good so he just must be running it off. Both his father and I were very thin growing up.

Update: I failed to mention that the rash on Timmy's cheeks is still baby acne. It is rare for them to have it so long but it does happen and he might have it through his toddler years.

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

he is a skinny little thing! My poor niece is like that, when she runs she holds onto the back of her pants to keep them from falling down. lol. He must be one active little guy!