Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins

1. It's January; my birthday is coming up. I usually don't look forward to my birthday but I always have hope that it will be a good day.
2. Triscuit crackers and slice cheddar cheese and chunks of ice is what I crave most right now. For the past few months I have been craving those crackers and cheese and that is my snack most of the time. I use to chew ice as a kid and lately I have picked up the habit again. Timmy has started up on it too. No I am not making any announcement, wish I was.
3. Cork and wine go together like I don't know.
4. Laughter is so nourishing.
5. Let us dare to dream.
6. Bless my home.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to reading, tomorrow my plans include getting Timmy's 2-year pictures taken and Sunday, I want to attend church!


Cher said...

I also LOVE ice. My fav is from Sonic. Yummy!!!

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

I love Triscuits and cheese slices. Wish I could eat them w/o getting sick. Doesn't eating ice break your teeth? I heard that it does, so just curious.☺♥

SkinnyJeanGirl said...
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