Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins

1. Enough with the economy. I think the media is doing more fear mongering which exacerbates the situation more than it needs to be. Sure it's bad but it will recover and will recover a lot faster if it is left alone.
2. Traveling with family causes me to be conflicted. I love to have them along but sometimes I enjoy just having our little family together. A lot less stressful at planning stuff.
3. I've been craving ice. I think I bruised my teeth but couldn't give it up so now I have been crunching on crushed ice.
4. My children makes me laugh. Last night Sheila shared some of her Hershey kisses with Timmy since he had ate all of his earlier and after he was done he was covered in chocolate. Wish I had grabbed my camera before Ray started cleaning him up because it sure was cute.
5. I wish I could go to Idaho next week.
6. Babies have been on my mind lately. No I am not pregnant yet but we have been trying for 3 months so I am hoping soon we will be.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to no plans, tomorrow my plans include going to Joanns sale and Sunday, I want to enjoy church although I most likely will go to Sunbeams with Sheila again.!

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