Sunday, January 25, 2009


In 80 I started to have more memories. Three days before my fourth birthday my first younger brother, Mark, was born. I was mad. If Heavenly Father was going to take my little sister away I better be getting another one. My older brother and sister were thrilled. They wanted a little brother. Then he came home from the hospital and he was just so cute that I couldn't help start liking him, especially when my older siblings started picking on him too. We had to team up. I am glad I changed my mind about him. We were always close growing up and we are still close now.

That year I also smashed my thumb in the mail box. That is when I noticed it would not straightened and ran to my mom. Later in life I found out it was starting to be that way for awhile. Anyway, I had a trigger thumb and I had my first surgery to repair it. I remember after the surgery the doctor took me down to the vending machine to pick out a candy bar and I picked out a Butterfinger because it had a yellow wrapper. Yellow was and is my favorite color. You will notice this a little later when I start posting school pictures. Then either the doctor or nurse blew up a rubber glove for me. The fingers made spiky hair. They were drawing a face on it when it popped and I decided I really didn't want one. I still do not like it when balloons pop. I never was good at the game where you had to run and sit on a balloon to make it pop. I never could make them pop from my cringing so much.

I also remember watching the Presidential election for the first time. I liked seeing the states turn to red or blue. Even at 4 I was rooting for Reagan and I didn't even know who he was. I have watched every election night coverage since then as much as I could.

Two more temples were dedicated, Tokyo Japan and Seattle Washington. The latter would become special to me later in life.

World events: Post-It notes are introduced. Summer olympics in USSR and the US boycotts them. John Lennon is assassinated. Mt. St. Helens erupts killing 60 people. CNN is launched.

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

You were such a cute kid, love your little smile! I am surprised that one of your memories from being 4 was the election stuff, too funny!