Wednesday, January 28, 2009


My grandfather Egelund died of Cancer in January. He was fairly young. I remember going to his funeral. A lot of people from our ward in Rupert also went down to Utah for it. My grandparents had lived in that same ward when my mom was younger and many of the older people in the ward were friends with my grandparents.

I started 2nd grade in the fall. My teacher was Ms. Graham. I got the chicken pox that year. I remember my stomach was itching and I saw that I had a sore on it. A little bit later I noticed I had two. I showed my teacher and I was sent home. Some of my siblings had it and so we all got it about the same time. Five little kids with chicken pox, my poor mom.

There was also a huge drought that summer that hurt a lot of the farmers. My father was a self employed tractor mechanic. When the farmer's couldn't pay him his business went under and we really struggled for several months.

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Oh the chicken pox! I was lucky and got them three times, three bumps each time. lol