Thursday, November 13, 2008

My little artist

My little daughter has been an artist since she was 6 months old and could hold a crayon. Yesterday Oprah had a clean up your clutter show and on it she showed a book that can be made at snapfish with pictures of your children's artwork and for the next 48 hours viewers can get one free going through her website. So this morning I took some pictures of the collection of artwork I have of Sheila's and made up a book. For some reason I didn't get the credit and Snapfish charged me full price so I had to email them and hopefully I will get the refund but anyway it got me to finally download some of Sheila's pictures. Here are some of my favorites.
This is the lion king. Notice the teeth. She loves imitating the lion king and scaring her brother.

This is our family. T is on Mommy's lap and She is on Daddy's lap. Can't remember who is who.

Here she is practicing letters. As you can see she makes I, E, Os pretty good. She can also do Ts & Hs very good but almost any letter she can imitate if she sees it drawn but she did these from her head.

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

wow! She is really good for her age. Our preschool group has 3 year old artists, and well, She is definitely NOT a 3yr old artist.