Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Grillin Goodness

Almost forgot about this cute little thing Tiffany had on her website. I thought it was a fun question/answer thing.

1. What's the worst thing you've ever sent through the washing machine/dryer?
A crayon when I was a kid and doing laundry for my mom. I also washed my drivers license once when it was just a laminated piece of paper and almost ruined it.

2. Do you do any of your Christmas shopping online?
Yes. I usually do most of my shopping for my husband online and sometimes for the kids toys since the stores don't always carry everything. Love Wal-Mart Site to Site shipping.

3. What are you looking forward to this Thanksgiving?
Absolutely nothing because I am stuck cooking the whole thing again this year. Normally I don't mind but this will be the third time I have cooked both Thanksgiving and Christmas for Ray's whole family. It gets expensive. I wanted to get out of it this year (and just do Christmas) but they have decided to go to Golden Corral since I wasn't cooking but I refuse to take my children to a restaurant for a holiday meal. That is one thing that I enjoyed as a kid and so even though I might not enjoy it I hope my children do.

4. What did you do before you had children that you miss doing now that you have children?
I'm with Tiffany on this one. Sleeping in was very nice. Now I am up by 6:30 whether the kids wake me up or not.

5. Do you have a fireplace? (Do you use it?)
No. Probably wouldn't use it if we did have one since it only has a few cold days a year here. We had one in our first apartment and we never used it.

6. Do medical shows showing surgeries and blood freak you out?
Nope, I like a lot of them but sometimes I can't eat while I watch them.

7. How long have you lived where you live?
In Florida-5 years. In this house-4 years.

8. What is one of your favorite seasonal items?
I will have to say Christmas trees and lights. When I was a kid I would just watch the Christmas trees twinkling lights. I also love to go around and see how people decorate. We don't have a lot of storage here so our decorations are a minimum but maybe someday I will have an attic I can use and get more.


SkinnyJeanGirl said...

I'm with you on a lot of those. Fun stuff.:)

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

sorry you are cooking again, what a pain!