Monday, December 8, 2008


Ear Infections: Sheila had her follow up appointment for her ear infections. Unfortunately, although she seemed better, her ears are still very infected. We had a choice; another round of antibiotics or the shots. Picturing us holding down our daughter twice a day for another ten days we opted for the shots. We didn't tell Sheila that is what was going to happen until we took her back to the shot room. Boy, was she mad. After the shots we had to wait for 15 minutes to make sure she didn't have a reaction (she had one in each leg) and she ran around the waiting room, threw herself on the floor, and tried to leave. Afterwards we had to carry her everywhere. We took her to McDonalds afterwards and she was so upset she got the same pony that she got Saturday when she went with her grandparents. We were able to trade it for a different one. Nice thing about the shots is that by tomorrow she should be her happy self and daddy and I won't be stressed trying to give her the medicine.

Potty Training: Doing pretty good. Sheila is going pee on the potty at home around 85% of the time. I usually will ask her if she hasn't told me she has needed to go in awhile. Still no number 2 on the potty yet. But since she is doing so well we have decided to let her wear pull ups at home as well as school as long as she keeps going on the potty. We tried pull ups about a year ago and she just used them like diapers. She has been accident free at school for the last three days. She also is scared of the big potties still so she won't go at church or while we are out so I try to get her to go right before we leave somewhere.

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