Saturday, December 6, 2008

Putting up the Christmas tree

We put up the Christmas tree the Friday after Thanksgiving and boy was that an ordeal this year. We have a nice prelit one we bought after Christmas a couple of years back and we store it in our outside shed. Last summer our shed got infested with roaches and we had Terminix come out a couple of times to spray it so they are long dead but they left us presents in the tree. Ray had to shake it all out in the yard since I am scared of the little buggers.
Finally it was up and we could decorate. For prelit trees all the plugs are along the trunk of the tree and we had one set of branches not lighting up. We searched the tree for the plug that wasn't plugged but couldn't find it. Finally traced the cord to one plugged in. We must have a bulb out but couldn't find the bulbs that went with the tree. We need to look for some to buy but for now they are not lit but since there are so many it is hard to tell those branches are not lit. The kids had fun hanging the ornaments on the tree and now they like to rearrange the ornaments. The nonbreakable ones are on their level.

Here is the tree almost finished. That night we discovered we didn't have any garland so Saturday we bought some and some more red balls. We finished the decorating but discovered that we really needed another strand of garland so I have now bought that. But all in all the tree looks very nice.

1 comment:

Cher said...

I am hoping to get ours up tonight! Love Christmas. The sad thing is..we have no snow yet. Whats that about? Its Dec 6th!