Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Randomness is the theme of this blog.

First an update on the potty training saga. We had some more success with Sheila. She actually did go number 2 once on the potty but only once so far. She also went on the big potty at church. She still prefers her small potty at home but I am going to get a little toilet seat to go over the big one so she can start making the transition at home. We are still having accidents every day but as long as mom and dad stay persistent in asking her she will go if reminded. Hopefully soon she will tell us every time or just go herself. Panties are on order for a few weeks after Christmas break so hopefully she will be on track for that.

I went shopping at the commissary with Timmy by ourselves this morning. We got there when they were opening the door so Timmy got one of the few car carts. Those things are very long and I seem to hit everything in the path. Also those carts don't hold as much as a regular cart so my cart was overflowing. I let the bagger take my groceries out for me and gave her a double tip since I had so much today.

While driving out to the base today I was in a fog. Literally. It's about 30 minutes out to the base and right before the base is a bridge over the bay. The fog was so thick up on the bridge that I could not see the water down below. It was a little eerie. It didn't burn off the hour I was in the commissary either but it wasn't as thick on the way back.

My inlaws live way out in the middle of nowhere. They do not pay for garbage pick up so on occassion they will bring some to put in our garbage can. We have a rather large can and usually don't even fill it in a week. Our garbage comes on Friday. Saturday my husband took the garbage out (probably our first since it was picked up the day before) and when he came in he said, "How do we generate so much garbage? Our can is already full." I wasn't really thinking about it just coming the day before and that was odd for it to already be full. But later that day I looked out the back door and saw that the lid just barely shut and on top of the boxes we had sitting out (we forgot to take to the road the day before) sat a pizza hut box. I know we didn't get a pizza hut box and Ray's dad works part time there as a delivery driver. I put 2 and 2 together and got 4. I said to Ray, "I know why our garbage is so full. Because your dad filled it up." Usually I don't mind but please leave us room for our garbage. It's only Tuesday and we have another bag sitting outside next to it. Ray will have to try to get it to fit since we have wild raccoons and dogs that roam around and will tear into loose garbage. I can't store it inside because it was making the house really stink.

I never realized how easy of a kid Timmy was to take care of until Sheila went to school. He too plays very good by himself. Although he gets into more stuff than Sheila ever did at that age he really is a good boy when he is by himself. When the two are together is when they get into everything and makes mommy want to pull her hair out.


SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Sorry about the garbage, that stinks!:) Yay for the potty going, I know it's rough, but stay on top and she'll get it. Don't you love easy kids? Yay for Timmy.

Cher said...

You Crack me up! I love the Randoms for today!