Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just Great!

Two weeks into school and Sheila came home with a note today saying she has been exposed to head lice. Just great! The note said all kids have been checked and those with have been isolated and parents notified so Sheila didn't have it or they would have called me. But now I am washing her school clothes, her jackets, and both kids bedding. Tonight both kids will get a bath with a thorough scalp scrubbing. Tomorrow while Sheila is in school I will vaccuum the house thoroughly. I just hope she doesn't get it. Or the rest of us.


Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Oh Yuck! Head lice is horrible, and when you think about the exposure your head just starts to feel like it has crawlies! Hopefully she won't get it!

Cher said...

****scracth***scratch**** ugh! So sorry!