Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Name and meaning:
I am not going to put his name on here for safety reasons but T-man is named after his maternal grandfather for his first name and his paternal grandfather, his maternal and paternal great grandfather, and his father for his middle name. My husband and I actually wrote down all the names we liked and narrowed it down to two. We first settled on Matthew Isaak but Ray kept calling the baby (while I was still pregnant) by the other name. Now I will explain how sly I am. I always wanted to name our first sone the name we eventually chose but my husband was adamant that we not use his name in any part of the baby's name because there were too many in the family already. We both like the first name and it was our first choice but we couldn't figure out a middle name we liked to go with it. Well, when Ray started calling the baby that we decided that should be his first name so I picked out a middle name and that is what we told everyone the baby's name is going to be. Then about a week or two before he was born my husband asked if it would be okay to change the middle name to his first name. I really wanted that but I acted like I was all put out and that I had to think about it. We didn't tell anyone we changed it until the baby was born. Anyway, I got my way in a round about way. His name means honoring God and mighty or wise protector.

Age: 20 months.

Nicknames: He has a lot of nicknames but the ones I will put on here are T-man and Little Man.

Favorite activities: watching sesame street, running around with his sister, playing with cars, looking at books, tearing up magazines, climbing on stuff.

Favorite foods: Much better eater than She but doesn't have many favorites yet. He likes candy though and that is one of his new words.

Favorite music: Anything on Sesame street or in church.

Favorite toys: cars, balls, and books.

Favorite item of clothing: nothing yet.

What makes him happy: getting something he wants, hugging mom and dad, being tickled, playing with his sister.

What makes him sad: She taking away toys, mommy and daddy telling him no.

Anyone that wants to play just answer the questions about your youngest child.

1 comment:

Cher said...

OK now you are killing me. I think I know what his name is but I cant remember. I know DD's so email me DS's its driving me insane! (you were good at that though)