Monday, September 8, 2008

She's Evaluation

We just got back from She's ESE/pre-K evaluation. Of course we won't have the official results until our meeting at the school she will attend if she qualifies and that will be 3-4 weeks. But the ladies that were testing her said she tested very high on her cognizance/problem-solving portion but there was a significant gap between that and her vocal skills. She may have to have a little more evaluation since she got tired and didn't want to do anymore but they think they might have enough to go ahead and set up a meeting. They were also impressed with her ability to hold a pencil and draw detail pictures. She has started drawing letters and drew all the letters on the page and even wrote out the words, although "Ball" was backwards and sometimes she would start with the middle letter. The lady said that was a test they did with older children but when they first gave her a pencil she drew an E and so she thought she would check that out.

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Sheila is one smart girl! Tuck is nowhere near copying letters and such. I hope the evaluation helps her speech to catch up!