Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins

1. I enjoy being creative. I never thought I was because I couldn't draw as beautifully as my sister. Then I learned creativity extends beyond drawing and painting. I discovered crocheting, knitting, sewing, and finally scrapbooking. I don't have huge talents in some of those areas but I enjoy them and love creating things. Another passion I am trying to get more involved in is photography. I just got a new zoom lens for my 35 mm camera and can't wait to see how the pictures turn out.

2. The election is something I wonder about often lately.

3. In my heart, I knew Ray was the one I would end up with. I moved to Idaho Falls in June of 2002 and I had a boyfriend at the time. But distance put a big wet blanket on that relationship. I was devastated since I really thought I would end up with him. But after 2 months of no answer to my phone calls, letters, and email I knew it was time to let go and I just had a feeling that once I went through that I would meet the man I would marry. I wrote my ex the letter in October saying it was time to move on. In November a friend talked me into joining an online dating service. I decided to join for one month. I definitely wasn't looking for anyone. I thought maybe I would get a penpal or two out of it. I thought the idea was so ridiculous that I put that I was striking looking (I thought it was really funny that one was an option, could anyone be so vain?) About a week letter I get an email from some guy in Florida. I went to his profile and read it. I knew at that moment he was the one. It scared me so badly I almost didn't respond to him. I was getting over a relationship and certainly didn't want a rebound guy. I just had to follow my heart and trust in the Lord. Five years later I am so glad I did and more inlove than ever.

4. Take red, add a little blue and you end up with purple.

5. Life has gifted me with good fortune. I may not be rich in the worldly sense but I have a lot of blessings and the things I have always valued, a beautiful, healthy family.

6. A day at a park or beach with my kids is an instant vacation.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to crocheting, tomorrow my plans include cleaning, crocheting, and scrapbooking and Sunday, I want to go to Stake Conferenece with my husband being off!


SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Fun fill in. Great answers! You are talented and creative!:O) You are no small potato!

Cher said...

I love to read your Fri Fill-in's.
Have a great relaxing weekend!