Thursday, September 18, 2008

Picky Eater

My daughter is one of the pickiest eaters I have ever seen in a child. I have tried everything to get her to eat. I have not resorted to just letting her eat junk. I usually put whatever we are having on her plate and try to encourage her to try it. I also have been trying to serve more vegetables and also at least one thing I know she will like. I usually let her snack on cereal since that is her favorite food during the day but the cereal she gets is Life, Kix, Cheerios, Frosted Mini Wheats, Corn Flakes, and the like. Anyway, my friend Holly had this article on her blog and I found it very helpful and will try some of the tactics suggested in there. For one I think my daughter will start helping me make dinner.

Six Food Mistakes Parents Make

1 comment:

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Wonderful article. Our pediatrician, has told us pretty much the same things with Daredevil.
Did you know though, that between the ages of 3-5(7) children don't really have a super growth spurt? So, feeding them more proteins such as dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese), and (yes laugh) chicken nuggets are very good. They need as many grams of protein a day as they are in weight. That's the shoot for target, anyway.
For Daredevil that's 32grams of protein for his 32lbs in weight.
If you can get them to eat fruits, veggies, and grains, more power, but really don't push it to the point they hate it.
Loved that the article said to have the kids help in the kitchen. I have noticed that when Daredevil will help make something, he will eat it.:)
Again great article. Mind if I pass it along in my blog?
Have a great day!:)