Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Little White Lies

Despite all the lessons we have learned to tell the truth everyone lies to a certain extent. Whether it be exaggerating the truth, lying through omission, or just outright lying, everyone has or will tell a lie at some point in their life. I try not to lie but I find myself doing so. Like at the dentist and they ask me if I floss every day. Well, I do about 3 times a week so instead of hearing the lecture that I need to daily I just say yes. My favorite time to lie though is when some telemarketer calls and ask for me. I say I am not available and take a message. If they can't pronounce my name I tell them no one by that name lives here. At first I felt bad about it but now I don't. I only answer the phone when I think it may be someone I need to talk to. I usually don't have time to hear about the new phone plan, or the protection for my credit cards, or to donate money to some cause. Now that may sound mean but I already donate to my church at least one tenth of my income and if I was a millionaire I would be happy to donate to all kinds of causes. I also love it when they try to guilt me into donating. But that is a whole other topic I can do a huge blog about. So in short I don't feel guilty at all lying in that sense.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Lie away to telamarketers. I do. I should feel guilty but don't. Before we got caller ID, I would pretend I was the babysitter.:O) My hubby just waits until they pick up then screams AAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Now I don't know who is better.