Saturday, February 9, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

What a week! I didn't think it would end up being as busy as it became. I had several good blogs in my head, which I intend to still post some of them, but I never got a chance to really sit down and just type them out and download the pictures that go with them.

It was my daughter's third birthday this week. We got her one of those vtech cameras. She loves it and jeaulousy protects it. She left it on our bed yesterday so I holed up in our bathroom with the door locked and began to delete pictures. The camera is only supposed to hold 200, she had well over 500. I deleted over 250 before she came looking for it. My husband knew what I was doing and came to tell me that they couldn't find her camera and they were going to go look in her bedroom. I triumphantly called, "Here it is" a few minutes later as I entered her bedroom. She had taken a few good pictures. But most of them were of her bedroom floor and her feet or absolutely black.

My son is trying to walk. He now lets go of the furniture and walks a couple of steps before falling over. His first steps were on his sister's birthday right before his daddy got home from work. He did it again right as his dad walked in the door so he got to witness some of his first steps.

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