Thursday, February 14, 2008

Did he make it up?

My husband found himself in the doghouse after Valentine's Day last year. I hated the V-day before I got married. I never had a boyfriend on that day. When I was younger I would see friends and other girls get flowers, plush bears, and candy from their boyfriends and parents. Me? I got diddly squat. Well, that is not all true. My granddad always gave us something on Valentine's Day. Then when I was 15 my beloved granddad had a heartattack and passed away that day. That is when I started to hate it.

When I got married I thought it was finally a time I could start to enjoy it. Then last year happened. My husband was in a three month school and would only come home on the weekends. He told me we would celebrate on Saturday. I thought that meant that we would go to dinner on Saturday but that he would still do something for Valentine's Day. I gave him his gift before he left that Monday. Valentine's Day came. Every time the phone rang, I thought it was a flower delivery asking if I was home. Nope! The mail came and nothing in it. I finally came to the realization that he truly didn't do anything for it and I was a mess. I bawled and bawled and bawled. When he called that night he heard an earful. A couple of days later 2 dozen red roses and chocolates showed up at my door.

This year my husband was a day early having flowers delivered to me. I think he's on his way of making it up to me. Although someday I would love a really big surprise.

The cake was my present to him, it is a Cold Stone Ice Cream cake.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Hmmm, looks to me like he made it up. Your flowers are so pretty. Mine, I put by my bed and now I have an allergy attack. So, they are beautifully displayed in our living room.:O)