Friday, February 1, 2008

How kids sleep anywhere, anytime.

I wish I were a child and could fall asleep in the weirdest places at any time. I don't put my daughter down for naps anymore or she tries to stay up all night but sometimes she falls asleep on her own somewhere, usually sitting up on the couch. But occassionally I find her in unsual spots. One day I was searching the house for her and I started panicking because I could not find her. Then I saw that the linen closet accordian door was not shut all the way. There she was, asleep, curled up in a ball on the floor but in such a way that I could neither open the door to get her out or shut the door (I wouldn't of shut her in there anyway.) I had to wait until she woke up.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Too funny. Little B will fall asleep in the window boxes of our living room. Did I ever send you a picture? Too funny the things kids do! Love it!