Sunday, October 19, 2008

It wasn't so bad

This might sound horrible but I always fear being asked to sub in the nursery. I already want to pull my hair out with my kids on occasion so sometimes going to church and dropping them off for two hours is a sanctuary in itself. So last night when I got called to sub the nursery I of course said yes but I secretly dreaded going to church.

We are leaving for a cruise tomorrow so I really wanted a relaxing day so I don't feel rushed tomorrow. Well, we got up in the morning and both my kids were on one. Crying, screaming, fighting. At least Sheila picked out her skirt and shirt without fighting about wearing a skirt.

We get to church and I immediately start counting the nursery age kids. Only two besides my two. That might not be so bad. Ray has agreed to stay in the nursery with me so at least I have some help. Then another family showed up with two more nursery kids. We're up to six. I figure we might have 8 if all the ones come that usually do.

Sacrament meeting just seemed to drag. Maybe it was because I was dreading two hours in the nursery. Maybe it was because my son started screaming in the middle just to hear himself do it. Then the kids are fighting over the hymn books and the toy cars and the cereal. Is there a wall I can pound my head into nearby?

We get into the nursery and then the kids start coming. Eight little heads bouncing around the room. Some of the usuals didn't come or we would have had a bigger crowd. But I was happily surprised. One mother stayed in since her son still has issues being left. Another cried for a few minutes until I became cool because I killed a bug on the floor. The kids played really well with the toys and with each other. Only had to break up a few fights over toys. They cleaned up when it was time for the lesson, all sat in their chairs nicely, ate their snacks, and then participated in singing time. We then just played again until the parents came to pick them up. So my dread was unfounded and maybe next time I will be a little more cheery about subbing in nursery.


Cher said...

Have fun on the cruise! What am I going to do without all your updates? how long are you going to be away from a computer? I am going to go INSANE hurry back and enjoy. cant wait to hear all about it when you get back.
I cant do the nursery at this time I was asked about a month or so ago and I said No for the first time in my life I declined a calling. (I even prayed about it!) and I just cant do it right now with a toddler and an infant... I need some ADULT interaction! Glad that you had a successful time!

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Glad it turned out better than expected. I am just the opposite, I dread having to teach adults, Relief Society, Sunday School, Enrichment. I love being in the nursery. Shhhh.... don't tell. lol