Sunday, August 24, 2008

Our 5th Anniversary

With Tropical Storm Fay looming in the near distance we didn't know how much of a wrench that would be thrown into our plans. We started off the day with Ray making breakfast for me. He usually cooks breakfast once a week and dinner twice. He's learned in the five years of our marriage that he can cook and that frozen dinners aren't that great.

After breakfast we got everything ready to go to the beach. It was a little overcast and windy but no rain. We had planned to go to the jetties at the State Park. It has a pool that doesn't get much waves and allows for littler kids to float and swim. I was unsure if we were going to be able to get in the water. If we had known that we couldn't we would have just gone to the beach on base again but we took our chances and headed to the state park.
When we arrived at the entrance we were pleasantly surprised by seeing a green flag at the gate. We commented about it to the lady taking our entrance fee. She said it was completely flat. We arrived at the beach to find only a few other families there and was able to claim a set of wooden lounge chairs they have their for use. Usually it is so crowded we don't get anywhere near the chairs.
It took us a little bit of time to convince the kids to go in the water. She took longer to get in than T-man. But they loved floating around in their floats. The water was very low. But we went out to about waist deep for us so the kids could float better.

After floating in the water we played in the sand for a little bit. Ray helped them build some sandcastles that they quickly demolished. The wind started picking up and started pelting us with sand. Little sand particles can sting pretty good when they start blowing around like that.
We headed in and rinsed the kids off in the outside showers. T-man was covered head to toe and She wasn't much better. Poor little T was shivering afterwards and we had to wrap him in a towel while daddy ran out to the van to get diapers so we could change them into their regular clothes. As we were leaving we noticed the flags had changed to double red. What good timing on our part.

We decided to have lunch at McDonalds for the kids. She loves it there but unfortunately it had started to sprinkle and we told her she couldn't play out there and the lady behind the counter said it was too dangerous so we thought it was closed. As we were leaving another family was going in and She didn't want to leave because she wanted to "play at McDonalds." I was explaining it was closed because of the rain. The little girl going in says, "It's not raining." We saw when we were leaving that the playground wasn't closed.

That night we got a sitter and went to dinner. It was our tradition to go to the Treasure Ship for dinner on our anniversary. It is shaped like a ship and right off the docks. When we passed it earlier in the day it was opened but when we arrived there it was closed because of Fay. It was getting late and we were starving. We didn't know where to go. We decided to check the restauarant next door. It is also a very nice restaurant and I had never been there since we can only afford to do this on our anniversary. They were open and the food was great. We enjoyed dinner and then went out for ice cream. So despite the storm we had a very good day and Fay didn't dampen our plans too much.


SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Yay for you guys. Looks like you had a great day. Too bad about Fay, but looks like you made the best of it. What fun!!!:O)

Cher said...

So glad that you had a great day! Love it when the hubby cooks!

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

looks like a lovely way to spend your anniversary!