Saturday, August 2, 2008

Funny kids 2

Kids are so funny sometime. Here is She-girl pulling T-man down the hall so he will play with her in her room.
T-man just loves to rip up old magazines. I keep a box of them in with their books. He knows not to tear up the books (although sometimes he and his sister don't obey that rule.) Here he sits amongst one of his huge messes.


SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Oh you let them tear up the friend magazine? I guess it's online so that's okay. I guess I just have a thing when my kids do that. Old or not. Too cute that She-girl is dragging her brother down the hall to play. The other night I was putting the little guys to bed and Daredevil screamed at me, "No mom! They are my friends. They can't go to bed." I told him he could play with his friends the next day. They had to go to bed.:)At least they like to play together.

Unknown said...

I use to keep all the friend and Ensign magazines but they just got way out of control. Now I keep them for a year or two and then tear out the activities and a few articles to keep (for my FHE box if I ever get it made) and let the kids have them. I still keep the conference issues of the Ensign.