Friday, April 4, 2008

The Printer Won

I just had a major fight with the printer and it won. It wanted to eat my paper and just kept eating it and eating it. While in the midst of the fight, I also had a fight with the packing tape. Of course the end got stuck to the end of the roll and then when I was trying to pull it off it split and shredded and I ended up throwing it across the room in frustration but all that did was make me have to get up and to get it. Really, what was I thinking? That it would magically unroll itself like toilet paper as it went flying through the air. But I was victorious over the packing tape and it finally bowed to my demands. But the printer was having none of it. Finally I have left it to its hungry appetite. It has been a good $20 soldier, printing thousands of sheets and labels. But now we must lay it down to rest. A new little soldier will be acquired tomorrow since I need it for my ebay business.


SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Love it! I feel the same way with packing tape sometimes. You're not alone.:O)

Cher said...

You are too funny. I can so see you doing that. So great to see your blog. I love it! Hopefully we can stay in touch better.