Saturday, August 29, 2009

Last Ultrasound

Yesterday we had our last ultrasound. They scheduled me one because two weeks ago I was measuring 1 1/2 weeks bigger than I should have been. Every pregnancy has been that way and so I always have a ultrasound around 34-36 weeks. Finally the baby's face was not in the placenta. But this time the umbilical cord was floating around her/his face.

It looks like the baby will have nice full lips like Timmy did. That is one thing I noticed in Timmy's ultrasounds as well. They get that from their dad.

In this 2-D shot you can see the umbilical cord floating above his/her face. The technician, who is also a member of our ward, also saw that the baby will have hair. She pointed that out on Timmy too. All my children will be born with some hair now. Sheila had dark reddish brown and Timmy a very yellow blonde. I wonder what color this baby's hair will be. The baby is measuring actually a little small, around the 39%. The doctor and technician are predicting about a 7 pound baby if I go to term. That is how big Sheila was (6 lbs. 15 oz.) I like that size. The baby right now is about 4 pounds 13 ounces. She/he is also head down so that is good to know. I was pretty sure she/he had flipped (she/he was breached for almost the first 6 months) because the movements use to be all low and now they are mostly up high in my ribs and only little movements down low. We did not find out the sex but I am leaning towards one just because this pregnancy is more like one of my pregnancies than the other. But I am not saying for sure because I could be wrong.

After getting home from the ultrasound I was showing Timmy the pictures (he was playing at a neighbor's during the visit) and he said, "Baby," and points at my tummy. Then says, "Baby coming. Baby goes (says) 'Get me out.'" Ray and I had a good laugh over that.


SkinnyJeanGirl said...

It will be fun to see what gender your baby is. You will have to let us know what you thought the gender was and if you were right.:)

Cher said...

In the 3rd pic it looks like the baby is making smoke I am having a U/S on Wed to see how big our boy is. I dont get those cool 3-D pics though. Those are awesome. Hope that you are feeling well. I just had to buy me a pillow to take to church because of how uncomfy I have been lately.. its all worth it and I cant wait to to all over!

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Aw! Cute baby already! And Timmy is too funny!