Thursday, August 13, 2009

Another Doctor's visit

Yesterday was another doctor appointment. Yay, the huge weight jumps are over (hopefully.) I had only gained one pound in the last three weeks. If I can gain only one more pound every two weeks for the rest of my pregnancy than I will be doing good. I will gain less with this one than the first two but that would be good since I had all my cruise weight still on me when I got pregnant.

I am measuring a little big so the doctor scheduled me for another ultrasound. With Timmy being 8 pounds a week early they just want to see where the baby is weighing and measuring at. It will also be good to make sure the baby is head down and maybe his/her face will be out of the placenta and we will get some good 4-D pictures.

My doctor I usually see is due with her baby (third child, third boy, we have been pregnant together every time) in 2 1/2 weeks and so I won't see her again unless the baby comes late because she doesn't come back from maternity leave until October 12. I will be seeing the doctor that delivered Sheila and hopefully he will be the one on call when this baby decides to come.

The baby has found my ribs, like Sheila did, and likes to push on them. Sometimes I have to try to push their little foot down (or whatever limb it maybe) to give myself some relief. She/he doesn't let anyone else feel them move though. Ray and the kids have only felt him/her a few times. She/he usually stops as soon as I get their hand on my belly.

A lady in the grocery store told me I was having a girl the way I was carrying. But I have had dreams about both. We will not be finding out still with this ultrasound even though it is very tempting.


Cher said...

Wow Where have I been? I just did a catch up on all your recent posts. Sounds like you have been very busy.
I go in for an ultra sound in 2 weeks to see how big our baby boy is. I love having the opportunity to pick on the little guy. Not too much longer for either of us!!!

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

You are in the homestretch! Hope little baby is not too big, and that baby doesn't decide to show off anything between its legs during the ultrasound. Thats how Tucker was, even if we did not want to know, we would have. ;)