Monday, June 16, 2008

Trail of Towels

The sickness has gone through our house except my husband who if the pattern holds will become ill this afternoon. Saturday was an ordeal. We went out to eat for Father's Day with Ray's parents. Afterwards we are driving home and our son coughs a little and then we get this horrid smell wafting up to us. Now our city doesn't have the best smells anyway, what with the sulfur in the water and the paper mill lovely aromas so at first we thought it was coming from outside. But at the same moment as I thought it my husband ask, "Did he vomit?"
My head whips around and sure enough my poor little boy is covered. We are about five minutes from home and no towels or anything in the car. He continues to cover himself a couple of more times. He starts whimpering. My husband is trying to get around the slow drivers but we are hitting every light. We live 10 miles out in the country and only have about 5 lights in those 10 miles but we got stopped at every one of them.
Once home I bring out paper towels and bags. We scrape him off the best we could and then strip him down to his diaper right there. My husband takes him in while I clean up the car seat. I finally pull it out and spray it off with the garden hose. It is still wet and stinky. We had to bring it in yesterday during a downpour.
I gather every towel in the house that is clean and start to put them down all over the floor (thank you, Tiffany, for the tip.) We just have enough to cover the living room and the hall. But luckily we do not have to clean up any of the carpet because the one time he didn't vomit on the towels it was the kitchen floor and I was able to mop that up. I have done more laundry this week than I have in a month.

1 comment:

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

It's so hard to have sick kids. I hope he gets to feeling better. He's such a cute little guy. I'm glad the towel trick worked and I understand about the sicko laundry. You have all of my sympathy. I hope it bypasses Ray.:)