Monday, May 19, 2008

Locked Out

Just a little bit ago I went out to check the mail. My son screams if I leave him so I carried him out telling my daughter we would be back in just a couple of minutes. I walked the 20 or so feet down the driveway gather the mail and come right back. Maybe a minute of time has passed. I turn the knob and the door is locked. Not the doorknob but the deadbolt, which can only be done with a key or from the inside. I knew my 3 year old could turn that lock but it didn't occur to me to take the key (I sometimes do.) I see my 3 year old through the glass on the front door. I desperately tell her to unlock the door. She just stares at me. My only neighbor that I knew was at home during the day has moved away. I am trying to think which house I should try to see if anyone is home so I can call my husband or the police. I don't even have my cell phone. And because of my paranoia I know the back door is deadbolted and the windows are all locked. While I am thinking I am still pleading with her to unlock the door. Finally I hear her moving the lock. But it is still locked. What if she can't get it turned completely back. But after a few more tries she gets the lock turned and I go in. I will remember the key next time.


SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Nightmare!!! Now, imagine your 1 year old nephew doing the same thing to you! Good thing the T-REx man was inside on the bedroom computer and willing to get off long enough to unlock the door. Keep a key around your neck is my motto.:O) Glad you got in okay.

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

smart kid, definitely take the key with you, maybe this is her way of "getting rid of you". lol