Saturday, May 17, 2008

Funny kids

I am so glad that my children usually play so nice with each. She-girl is such a good big sister. She gives him parts of her snacks to eat, makes sure he has a chair to sit on, and lets him play in her kitchen (he stuffs the cupboards full of other toys.)
My daughter loves shoes. She will wear any she can find. After my husband came home from work a few days ago and took his boots off she tried those on too.

My son loves to brush his teeth and loves to get his teeth brushed. My daughter use to fight it and throw a tantrum but now she loves to do it too so no matter when it is if they want to brush their teeth they get brushed.

1 comment:

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

You have such cute kids. Isn't it nice to have kids who like to share? Just pray it stays that way.:O)