Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 17; June 25, 2010

We broke camp at 9:15 a.m. and headed over to Hayspur for another night of camping and some fishing.  The kids had been talking about fishing for weeks.

With Granddad's help Sheila caught three fish (after the first one she wouldn't even hold the pole but still claimed she caught them.)  Mommy and Granddad enjoyed them for dinner.  The others not so much.  Timmy wasn't so lucky because he would pull his hook out of the water ever few seconds.
 Kimberly enjoyed playing outside. 
For the rest of the time we just relaxed and played games.

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

I have yet to go fishing with the kids, but Brian has gone a few times. But the kids always seem to have fun, whether they catch any fish or not. ;)