Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 15; June 23, 2010

We headed for Craters of the Moon in the morning.  My parents took their trailer and we took ours.  We have a really long trailer so finding a spot big enough was a little difficult.  At first we found two spots across the street from each other but then a couple was vacating the one next to the other open spot and so we were able to take the two camping sites next to each other.  Grandma and the girls were wearing hats but Kimberly didn't like hers much.
 This little guy was our visitor every day.  I did get close to him but I really used my zoom to get this good of a picture.
We went out to see the spatter cone, (and climb it) snow cones, (they have snow down inside them my pictures didn't turn out that good) and inferno cones.  The two little people in the middle are Timmy and Sheila.  They ran up it almost all the way to the first peak.  The top had two false tops.  Where it looked like it ended there would be more.  Everyone climbed it except my mom, Kimberly, and the dog.
 Finally we made it to the true top.

We took a walk through Devil's Orchard too.  It mostly has signs telling about the different vegetations.

Quote of the day: That campground is dirty.  I want you to clean it.--Timmy (the dirt is black because of it's an old lava flow.)

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Looks like fun, and Timmy is too funny!