Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 12-13; June 20-21, 2010

Day 20 was our first full day in Idaho.  We went to church with Grandma and Granddad Dudley.  I also had to do laundry since we had gone over a week without doing it.  I think my last time doing it was at Mammoth Cave.  We also got to celebrate Father's Day with Granddad Dudley.  Grandma and Grandpa Gilmour came over.  They were down from Boise for some event.
The next day we did some much needed shopping and Grandma and Grandpa Gilmour came over for another visit.

 Meeting her great Grandma Gilmour for the first time.
We also went over to my brother Michael's house and it was his son, Layne's, first time meeting us and our first time meeting him.  He is 6 months older than Kimberly and so was 14 months while we were there visiting.

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Cute photos, Layne looks so much like Michael!