Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cream Cheese or Sour Cream

I decided I just didn't feel like going shopping yesterday so gave Ray the list to get at the commissary.

After he got home I started to put the groceries away.  I look in the bag and see a tub of sour cream.  That wasn't on his list (I get that at Wal-Mart since I can get the bigger one for the same price as the little one at the Commissary.)  "Why did you get sour cream?" I asked and before he can answer I see another one and said, "And why did you get two of them?"

"Four," he answers.  "Your list had four of them on it."

I hit my head with the palm of my hand exclaiming, "Cream cheese!  Four cream cheese!"

He dug out the wadded up list from the bottom of one of the bags,straightens it out, and sure enough it said 4 cream cheeses.  "Doh," he grunts and pretends to eat the list.

I now have enough sour cream for about 2 months.  Thank goodness he bought the little ones.