Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pull-Ups + Wash Machines = Disaster

Somehow my daughter's night pull up ended up in the wash.  She usually throws it away and puts her pajamas in the laundry every day.  One must of stayed with the pajamas.  I opened the wash machine to put the clothes in the dryer and they are covered with little balls of gel like stuff.  I know exactly what it is.  My son's diapers have left these all over our bed, his bed, and the floor at night when they burst open.  As I dig through the clothes shaking them over the garbage before adding them to the dryer the balls get thicker and thicker.  And near the bottom of the washer is the culprit.  The pretty pink princess pull up is bloated like a dead animal.  I fling it into the garbage and finish pulling out the clothes.  Then I pull out some rags and start wiping down the washer.  Little balls of gel are ping ponging around the wash machine.  The silver lining:  I notice some near the seal of the door and pull that back to discover loads of tiny saturated socks that have accumulated for who knows how long (one of my son's white socks are now pink.)  Now maybe I can match all the little socks on my dryer.

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