Wednesday, January 20, 2010

34 Fun (Or not so fun) Facts about Me

So last year my 33 birthday posts didn't work out so well.  I only got 20 done before morning sickness kicked in and they fell by the wayside so this year I am doing it in one post and the facts will mostly be short.
1. The President of the United States is always sworn into office on my birthday.
2. My name is made up of two names Melissa and Lyndy.  My parents combined the two since one liked the one name and the other liked the other one.
3. My husband kissed me the moment he met me.
4. I still have my childhood teddy bear.
5. I have known what each of my children would be before the ultrasound even told us so, and with Kimberly we never even got that confirmation.
6. I love to receive mail and since email has taken over I now prescribe to magazines and order things online so I can still receive mail.  I do need to start writing letters again too. (I have been getting free travel guides to the states we plan to drive through this summer. It's mail and it's free.)
7. I want to move back to Idaho.  I love the beaches here but the heat is a killer and I miss my family and friends.
8. Sheila won't wear dresses (except jumpers and skirts) anymore so I secretly wanted another girl to dress up again.  Sheila has several dresses she never ever wore because she refused to and I love buying/making the pretty dresses.  Hopefully Kimberly will wear them.
9. Ray and I both love to travel and plan to spend our retirement doing so.  The kids won't get much of inheritance.
10. I love books.  I use to have a bunch but now that we don't have as much space I have decided just to collect the ones I really enjoy and most likely will read more than once.  Then I will replace my favorite paperbacks with hardback versions.
11. I don't like to shop.  Oh, I have my moments when I like to go out and pick out new things for the house but for the most part I rather stay home.  It irritates me to spend so much time and get so little done.
12. I am a fan of Glenn Beck. (I know Ray is getting me one of his books for my birthday.)
13. I have the TV on almost all day but don't always watch it.  I grew up in a noisy house and so the quiet can be deafening to me.
14. I am a Susan Boyle fan. (I think Ray is getting me her CD for my birthday.)
15. My first date was to Prom when I was 16.
16. One of the guys I was seeing after my mission wanted to propose to me but I broke up with him the same night he planned on asking me.  (We weren't exclusive and he didn't have the ring already so don't feel too bad for him.)
17. My husband proposed to me at Sea World and was so nervous he called me by the wrong name.  (Don't tell him I told you, he would be embarrassed. And I wasn't upset because I was always afraid I would call him by the wrong name too.)
18. I almost have our taxes done already this year, just waiting for all the stuff to come in to make sure my numbers are correct.
19. I plan to go for my law degree eventually.
20. I plan to get my CPA after the kids are all in school and then work from home during tax season.
21. My kitchen/dining room theme is light houses and my father-in-law has painted me two lighthouses, one hangs in the each room.
22. I am a control freak.  (That's why I never wanted to try drugs.  Seriously why would I give my control over to something like that?)
23. I still have Halloween candy in my private stash.  Even when I was a kid, my candy would last for months.
24. I wear earplugs at night.  Ray snores.
25. I had my ears pierced twice but the second hole never healed so I took them out just weeks before the Prophet came out saying women should only have their ears pierced once.
26. I like to garden but it is too hot in the summer to keep up with it here so I just grow roses now.
27. I hate bugs, yet I love to camp.
28. I don't take showers.  I am a bath person.  I usually only take showers when I am traveling. (I did take showers on my mission though.)
29. I found my first gray hair this last year and have had about 5-6 since then.
30. I quote Dr. Phil to my husband all the time.
31. I dread Valentine's Day.  My grandfather died on that day when I was 15 and since then it seems to be a horrible day.
32. When I am tired and hungry, sleep trumps food.  Ray is the other way around.
33. My 25th year was my best year and I hope that when I am resurrected I am that age.
34. I feel like I am just starting off in life.  It's hard to believe that it has been 16 years since I graduated from High School, 12 years since I came home from my mission, 8 years since I graduated from college, almost 7 years since I got married, and 5 years since I became a mother for the first time.  I don't feel like I should be in my mid 30s.  I hope I never feel my age.

Well there is my post of Is.  I guess once a year I can indulge and start so many sentences with the pronoun.


Cher said...

That was great. Hope taht you have a great Birthday!

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

I should know most of these things by now, but always love learning new things about you!