Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Science of Potty Training

Who would have guessed that we would have more success potty training our 18 month old son over our 3 1/2 year old daughter? I have tried everything to get my daughter to potty trained short of punishing her. So a few weeks ago we decided to get T-man his own potty since they fought over the other one. We thought maybe if we had them sit together it would encourage our daughter. Yesterday and today our son has told us he wants to pee-pee in the potty. We take him in there (his sister did sit with him yesterday) and both times he has told us he has pee-peed in the potty. My son might be out of diapers before my daughter. I still hope that seeing him do it and the praise he gets for it that it will encourage her but not yet.


Cher said...

I just went to the library and got a book about potty training a day! We are going to have a Princess "Potty Party"! Emma isn't ready just yet but I am helping her take "baby steps" and hopefully by the end of the year we will have a successful "Potty Party" GOOD LUCK!

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

The twins are showing serious interest. They take of their diapers when they are peeps, or poo. We got them some big boy underpants, they love them, and have been trying to help them go in the big potty.
I'm happy for T-man. I'm so sorry about She-girl. I hope she gets it down and wants to do it. Maybe if she is in preschool that will be insentive for her to go. Because her friends will be going. I know that was a biggie for T-Rexie.

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

How cool is that?! I just left a message and your template changed when I looked at it again! You must be on here right now! Have a great day!:)