Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pool Party

We were invited to a pool party this morning. I forgot my digital camera so sorry no pictures. But I probably would not have gotten any anyway. I had gotten them in their suits and sunblocked lathered on before we even left. We picked up my friend and her 3 kids. Oh and She-girl actually let me braid her hair in two braids. It looked so cute.

At the pool party there are 4 mom's and 9 kids (2 infants.) My friend's daughter and She-girl are the only girls. I blew up the little animal floating devices we got the kids a few months back. They are for 2 or 3-5 year olds. Anyway She-girl picked out the yellow bear so T-man got the pink pig. But anyway I was so surprised when the kids happily climbed in them and let me pull them all over the pool. The pool was just a small round one so I could have easily gotten to any of the children if they needed me. They had a good time floating around. After awhile She-girl wanted out. She got her arm wings on and held onto my hands (I had T-man's floaty tied around my wrist.) She couldn't reach the bottom but she had a blast kicking her feet and bobbing up and down. After awhile she just sat on the steps.

T-man also wanted out of his floaty and he just held onto me as we swirled around the pool. Afterwards we went inside and had a snack and the kids played for a little bit until T-man was about to nod off. We loaded the kids back up in the van and drove home. By the time I got home both my kids were down for naps. T-man stayed asleep when I put him in his crib but She-girl woke up (thank goodness since if she gets a nap she will stay up all night.) Now I could use a nap too.

It went so well and so much better than I expected that I may try to take them over next week. This lady lives so close to us and my kids need to start getting more comfortable in the water. I plan on taking She-girl to swim lessons next summer.

1 comment:

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Oh what fun. It sounds like you all had a great day. Good for you guys. Sorry no pics. That would have been fun to see.