Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stop telling me what to feed my children

Okay so I am watching the news and it is really irritating me.  This lady is arguing that McDonalds needs to stop adding Toys to their happy meals and that we need to get rid of presweetened cereal.  Okay, I am guilty.  I get my kids Happy Meals on occassion and sometimes we get Cocoa Puffs or Fruit Loops for them. But as a parent I don't let them gorge themselves on those products.  Usually when we get the happy meal my kids get the juice or milk and the apple slices.  They don't even eat the caramel sauce that come with the apple slices.  In fact if they do away with the toys I think that parents will just start buying their children the adult size meals that have a lot more calories than a Happy Meal. Just because a few parents go the easy route and don't want to make their children mad and let them eat all that junk doesn't mean all parents do and so therefore we need to get rid of it all.  We live in America.  Land of FREEDOM, not you can do anything you want as long as it is healthy for you, you don't offend anyone, and it's political correct.  Hello, Big Brother.  "1984" here we come.

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

We rarely buy happy meals, but the main reason is for the toys. lol. We usually encourage our children to make the healthier choice, I used to make it for them, but let them choose now. I don't always make the healthy choice either, but that is what it is, a choice. :)