Monday, April 4, 2011

Oh no she didn't

Saturday while playing outside Sheila scratched the Borrego all the way around with her finger nails.  Four long curvy scratches starting one side, going around the back, and to the other side.  Ray is hoping that the ScratchX will take them out.  She is grounded for a week (would have been longer if she didn't fess up to it.)  Ray had washed the cars earlier that day and she had been the only one out playing that day since Timmy refused to go out unless his friend Matthew was out there and they were busy.You can Never have anything nice when you have children.


Tiffany said...

Oh man! I would have been livid! I hope Ray is able to get it fixed. No joke you can't have anything nice with kids. So sorry.

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Oh no! Hopefully she learned her lesson!