Friday, October 2, 2009

Still waiting

Nine days later and I haven't dilated any more. I am not really surprised. I didn't dilate at all with Sheila until I went into labor with her a day before my due date (she was born the day AFTER her due date so yes I was in labor 50 hours with her.) With Timmy I was only dilated to a 1 when I went in a week early to be induced since Ray was only home for Christmas because of his 3 month training. We hope this time the baby will come when she/he is good and ready but the doctor did schedule me an inducement today for October 12, the Monday after my due date, if I do not deliver by then. I am not too worried about going that long. I would like to have this baby soon though because the swelling is becoming unbearable at times.

I have also began to snore. My husband told me I snore really loudly. I have woken up myself snoring. I hope that will go away once I deliver. I suspect a lot of the weight I have gained lately is water retention like it was with Sheila and I hope to lose a lot of that within in the first few weeks. (With Sheila I lost over half the weight I gained in two weeks and most by 2 months after having her.)

I may decide to go to fair next week just to see if I can get things moving a long with this delivery. At least maybe I will be able to watch conference this weekend.

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

sorry you have not made any more visible progress yet. Hope little baby is ready to come out very soon!!