Tuesday, October 27, 2009

2 Week Appointment

Kimberly had her two week appointment today on base. We were a little annoyed. Our appointment was at 9 but we were supposed to be there 15 minutes early for paperwork. Ray had his PT test on base and was running the track. I waited for him to get done but then he walked a lap to cool off so I had to leave him since it was 5 minutes to 9. (His test started at 7:30 and should have been done long before then but of course there was delays.) He got a ride over to the clinic and met us there. I got checked in by 9 but then we waited 45 minutes before they even called us back. Kimberly needed to be nursed since she hadn't nursed since 6 this morning. They took her weight, height, and head measurements and then took us to a room where we waited another half hour to see the doctor. The computers had crashed so that was part of the problem but still that is a long time to wait. While waiting for the Doctor, I nursed Kimberly since she would wait no longer.

Anyway, Kimberly weighs exactly 1 ounce less than she did at birth. She has grown an inch. She is between the 25-50% across the board. She is definitely my smallest baby now since both Sheila and Timmy were in the 90% by this time in most areas. Also Kimberly has to have a vitamin D supplement because she is solely breastfed. So our lovely couple of hours out stretched into 6 hours. We had to go to the track for Ray's test, the clinic, Burger King (we were both starving right after her appointment and I also needed to nurse her on the other side so we sat in the car and ate while she did too), the pharmacy, Ray's work (pick up a gift basket they had for us), post office, gas station, Goodwill (I cleaned out the kids room yesterday and got rid of 3 garbage bags of toys), and the grocery store.

Plus there is a million things here I would like to do. I wanted to frost sugar cookies with the kids this afternoon. I got the dough made last night (had to refrigerate overnight) and had planned to bake them before Sheila came home from school but I will be nursing Kimberly soon and then Sheila will be home soon after that so we won't be able to frost them until tonight since they will have to cool before then. Sheila will enjoy cutting them out though.

As for me I am doing pretty well 2 weeks after. I have lost 25 pounds (most of that was from the water retention). I can finally get most of my shoes on. However, I still can't wear many of my prepregnancy pants yet. Just one or two fit comfortably. I hope that with another 5 pounds I will be able to wear them. I plan on starting to walk every day again soon. I usually walk with a neighbor every morning after the bus comes but this week so far we haven't been able to but hopefully tomorrow.

And last night Kimberly slept through the night last night. She didn't go down until a little after 10:30 but I woke her up around 5:30 this morning to nurse. I got up at 4 and pumped since I was dying. She stayed up for over 8 hours yesterday afternoon though so I knew she would be tired by the time she did fall asleep.


Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Sorry for the long wait at the doc's office, I HATE those! I know I am no doctor, but I would do some research about the vitamin D supplements, I have had two solely breastfed baby and was never told I needed to add anything. The only breastfed baby I know of that had doctor recommended vitamin D was a gal living in Alaska where there is no sun. :) But again, I am no doctor, just an opinionated momma. lol

Yay for Kimberly sleeping through the night, that is great, but ouch for you, for sure!

Unknown said...

I guess it is a new thing with the vitamin D supplement since they never told me anything about it with the first two and on the paper they gave us for her two week appointment it mentioned that it is based on a new study but I agree that I will look it up since I always thought breast fed babies got everything they needed from it.