Sunday, October 11, 2009

Another update

Well, I am still WAITING. I don't remember being this impatient with the other two. But the wait will be over tomorrow. I go in at 4 a.m. to be induced. I think it would be kind of funny if I went into labor naturally tonight. The labor I had all day Friday petered off in the middle of the night and I have only had a few since then. My in-laws spent the night and everything. They will be coming over tonight too. I am so anxious to meet this little one. I have no clue what to expect. I was leaning towards one gender but in the last couple of weeks I just don't know.

Today I picked up my things from the fair. (We went to Sacrament meeting but knew I couldn't sit more than that. Everyone was surprised to see me there and still pregnant. It gave me the opportunity to let people know about the baby coming tomorrow.) I got a surprise though when I got to the fair. I had a lot more ribbons than I thought. I guess they ran out and since we went the first night of the fair some items didn't get their ribbons yet. Most of the ones that were missing were white ones (third place) but still I was thrilled to know I got a little more prize money than originally thought. I got a total of 7 blue ribbons (first place), 20 red ribbons (2nd place), and 12 white ribbons. I had one item not get a ribbon. I was okay with that.

After loading up the van I went to start it while Ray got the kids buckled in. Nothing. We had jumper cables and the family next to us (who had two cars worth of stuff they had entered) gave us a jump. Or rather tried to give us a jump. We got lights and stuff back but the battery kept clicking.

I luckily had brought my cell phone. Ray and I usually don't bring them to church on Sunday but since I am so close to delivering I decided to take it. I tried Ray's parents but got the answer machine. So I called my neighbor. She said she would come and get us right away. Then I called the in-laws back and left a message. We went back in the fair building and I took Sheila to the bathroom. While in there my in-laws called. Ray decided to stay there and wait for his dad. They would go get a new battery to see if that was the problem. Robin came and got me and the kids.

About an hour later Ray called and said it was the battery. He wasn't so sure since it wouldn't jump but I have had batteries die, die in two cars and was 95% sure that was the problem. Plus when we got it service last we were told our battery was not holding the charge as much as it should. We should have bought one then but we had just registered the vehicles and decided to wait until the next service 3 months away. Next time we will just tell them to replace it. He came home just after 2. So much for both of us getting good naps before tomorrow. I got just over an hour nap and Ray will get about an hour when he gets up for dinner in about 15 minutes.

The rest of the evening will be for finishing packing for the hospital and tying up other loose ends around the house. I still don't have the pictures downloaded from the fair. After I get back from the hospital and things wind down here a little I will have to download and blog about them all since we will have the baby pictures too.

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Wow! Your baby is here by now, but I have not heard anything yet... I cannot wait to hear!!

And great job on all the ribbons, you do some great work, so I am sure they are all well deserved!