Friday, April 24, 2009

Goodbye nausea, hello headaches

I almost forgot about the lovely headaches I get in my second trimester. My first two pregnancies they were the only real constant inconveniences. This time the nausea distracted me from remembering them but this week I have remembered. I am getting at least one a day and sometimes Tylenol and a good nap does not solve the problem. They usually hit around mid-morning so when Timmy goes down for a nap so do I. I am not getting much done around the house again. I hope they don't last the whole trimester. If I remember right, they don't.

1 comment:

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Oh, I am so sorry. So far I don't have headaches, thanks be for that. If I were there I would help what I could. Take care and let the things that don't really matter, just go. I hope they don't last too long. Hugs!