Friday, February 27, 2009

No longer a secret

I was trying to figure out a cute way to announce it to the world our little secret but this time around is not being so nice on me and the secret has gotten out. We are pregnant.

I started figuring something was up when my face broke out with nasty deep zits that I only seem to get either once in awhile or when I am pregnant. (Currently I only have one on my face but my hair line is totally broken out, each pregnancy a different area gets them.) I was also exhausted. I thought I was pregnant the month before but the test came back negative. It was 4 days before nature would tell me but I was in pain and wanted some Advil. I was taking a bath in the evening and thought that I would take the test when I got out so I would know if I could take some Advil. I took the test and as I was dressing I waited. One line came up right away and so I thought "okay maybe not." With both of the other kids the other line popped up pretty quickly even though the line was faint with one of the others. I looked after 3 minutes and there was a very faint second line. I ran into the living room where my husband was sitting with the kids and said, "Ray, look." I always plan to tell him in a cool way but never can keep it a secret long enough. He looks at the very faint line and says, "Are you pregnant?"

"I think so. I have never had a false positive."

Over the next few minutes the line got darker and darker until about half an hour later there was no doubt about it. But still I was scared it was wrong. I had always waited until nature told me before I took the test. I waited until Sunday and nature told me. We left for our trip to Disney World after that. I was fine all that week and we managed to keep it a secret from my in-laws despite Sheila knowing there was a baby in mommy's tummy.

But then the last 2-3 weeks morning sickness hit me. I haven't thrown up but I have wanted to. I haven't got to my doctor yet or I would post the little ultrasound picture. But the last few days I have been feeling a little better. We are due October 11, 2009. And something must be in the water because 3 of my friends are also expecting, two in September and one also in October (you three know who you are if you are reading this.) So exciting. We were going to keep it a secret until I was showing but didn't work out that way.


Meryntha said...

After you left a comment on my blog, I had to come see. And sure enough...congratulations! heheh, lets see how well we both do with three! :)

Cher said...

Yeah Congrats!!!

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Congrats! :)