Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why Is It...

...that sickness always hits in the middle of the night? I awoke between 1:30-2 with a rude stomach ache. Couldn't it wait until the morning when I had some sleep? I got a little relief within the half hour but ended up taking a bath at 2:30 and back to bed at 3:30. Even though I was exhausted I tossed and turned for another hour. I worried that the kids were sick as well and I couldn't hear them (they weren't) causing me to jump awake at the slightest noises. Finally at 4:30 exhaustion kicked in. After just another two hours it was time to get up so my husband could go to work and the kids were up. It's going to be a long day with a sour stomach and no sleep and energetic children.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

You sure it's sour stomach and not something else?;o) I hope you get to feeling better. Hugs!