Monday, March 31, 2008

I Didn't Marry Handy Manny

My husband loathes fixing things. When our dryer broke down last year it was a good thing our neighbor knew how to fix the belt because that saved us money. My husband's first response to anything breaking or wearing out, "Time to get a new one."

Our washer started to leak a few months back. It would only do it once in a while and very rarely. I thought I was just overloading the washer but just this past month it has started to leak more and more. And then it was leaking with every thing but the smallest loads. So I get on line and find out what the leaking could be from. I quickly determined it wasn't the hose or the drain so it had to be coming from the innerds of the beast. I read how to take the back off and how to check and how to fix them. Okay, my husband and I could do this. I fixed the vaccuum a few years back when the roller had stopped turning. I figured that we could do it.

Deep down I have wanted a new washer and dryer for awhile. I hated out loud noisy machines. But I wanted to replace the dryer before the washer because I despise my signal and that I can't turn it off. It has awaken my sleeping babies in the past.

Saturday morning we get up and before we head off for the day we decide to take the back off the washer and see where the leak is and pick up the parts while we are out and fix it that evening when we return. Two hours later and after a lot of bickering and screaming children because they are put out and shut out of the room of the repairs we decide to just forget it. We call the repair guy. It may be close to half what the washer was when I bought it. I have been eyeing a new washer online and I just happen to know that Sears is having a sale. Oh, back to the washer. My husband never got the back off. After taking the screws out and trying to lift it up the whole thing wanted to come up. That is when we discovered we could have just tipped it on it's side and seen up the bottom. But now we can't get the screws back in, the case for some reason is not fitting back on to the frame. We need "Fixing Washing Machines for Dummies."

So we head off to Sears and upon entering are approached by a sales man. He shows us two models. My husband wants the larger washer and front loader. I want the front loader but don't care about size as much. We picked out one and got a pedestal to put under it. We pay and go on our merry little way.

Today the new beauty arrives in it's shiny splendor. The kids love watching the clothes spin around and around. After getting it and seeing how my old dryer pales next to the beauty makes me wish we could have afforded the dryer too. I need to start saving my shiny little sheckels.


SkinnyJeanGirl said...

Ahhh, love your wording. Innerd of the beast and shiny little sheckles. You are funny. That thing is pretty. Just the kind I want when mine goes kaput! Have fun with it! I'm sure it makes doing laundry fun!:O)

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Ooh, that is exciting! I could be just as fascinated as Miss Sheila! lol