Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Bane of My Existence...

...is TEN lousy pounds. That is how much I would like to lose before my 5th anniversary cruise we have planned for November. I still have plenty of time but after almost a month of exercising and eating better I still can't get the scale to budge one iota. Ugh!! After I had baby number 2 I lost all of the weight I had gained from that pregnancy very quickly. I was excited. I was breast feeding and I have seen some of my friends lose even more weight breast feeding. Not me. I got to my prepregnancy weight and plateaued and have been there ever since. I gained weight after graduating with my bachelor's degree when I got a desk job but I didn't mind that weight since so many people thought I was too skinny. Then I got married and put on some more weight, then I got pregnant and put on more weight. Granted I only kept 5 pounds from the first pregnancy, but now I would like to lose that and at least 5 of the pounds that I gained after getting married.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

If you are working out chances are you are gaining muscles and loosing fat, but because muscle weighs more than fat the scale is going to care less and make it seem like you aren't loosing a thing. Keep it up and ditch the scale. I think you look great!