Friday, June 24, 2011

A Bad Haircut

The other day, Kimberly had pulled her ponytail out and the hair was hanging down over her face.  I told her I needed to fix it for her.  A few minutes later, Sheila is throwing something away next to me and said something that I now believe was, "Kimberly didn't cut her hair."  I was in the middle of something and didn't pay much attention.  Sheila is always coloring, cutting, gluing, stapling projects so I thought that is what she was doing.  About 15 minutes later I got up to make lunch for the kids.  Sheila and Kimberly followed me into the kitchen and this is what I noticed.
The hair had been all the same length as the one long strand hanging down her forehead.  Now some of it on the one side was only an inch long.  Some of it was cut really short to the top of her head.  I didn't know how I was going to fix it.  I looked at Sheila and said, "Did you cut her hair?"  She got the quiltiest look on her face and looked down at the floor.  I said a little louder and more intensely, "Did you cut her hair?"  I didn't yell or freak out so I was proud of that.  Sheila never responded but I knew she had done it becuase I don't think Kimberly can use scissors yet, although she does try, and to reach up there and cut it so close to her scalp would have been a feat in of itself.  I took her in the bathroom and tried to straighten it out the best I could.
This is as even as I could make it without it being extremely short.  It has been a couple of weeks now and looks better.  Maybe in another week I can even it out some more.  I was surprised that Kimberly sat still while I cut it.  But no more pony tails for awhile.  She had just started to have long enough hair to put it up but now it is hard to get enough hair into one.  Sheila got her scissors taken away for a week.  She vowed she would never cut anyone's hair again but I told her that was her consequence to have to do without for a week.  It about killed her.  Best thing to take away from Timmy is his car collection, Sheila her art supplies.


markymarky&his funky bunch said...

Oh my goodness! I shouldn't laugh. The look on her face and her short little bangs is priceless. Man oh man am I glad I have boys that I can buzz up their head. She can use those pictures against Sheila some day. Eeek!:)

markymarky&his funky bunch said...

Sorry I didn't realize Mark was signed in. That post is from me-Tiffany:)

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Oh no! It doesn't look too bad, sorry you can't put her hair up for a while now!