Monday, May 30, 2011

My Least Favorite Household Chore

I rather scrub toilets than wipe out the microwave.  I have always despised cleaning out that little thing.  For one thing I am just about an inch too short to really get into it without getting on my tip toes.  I remove and clean the turntable and then spray cleaner in the microwave.  Whether I use a wash cloth or a paper towel the food particles just seem to smear around or squish down into the minute seams along the sides.  I try to wipe out any spills as soon as they happen but not everyone in our house does and so often I have some caked on gunk that stubbornly resists my scrubbing.  However, if I put off the cursed task it is only gets worse so I dutifully roll up my sleeves, rise up on my tip toes, and lean into the migraine inducing chore.


Tiffany said...

I hear you. I hate that chore!!! I always boil a bowl of soda water for 5 minutes in the microwave and that steams it up and makes everything easier to come off. Yah, it still smears, but at least it smells better and is easier to wipe down.

Tiffany said...

Baking soda.

Cher said...

I do the same as Tiffany only I use Half a lemon in the water.and the stuff just wipes right off.

Unknown said...

Tahnks for the tip. I will have to try that next time since I just cleaned it yesterday.

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

I was going to say something similar. I put a very wet washcloth in there for about 3 min before cleaning. But I think I like the baking soda or lemon better. :)