Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Coming Along

I had some bouts with contractions this weekend and it is doing the trick. Today I was dilated to just about 1 1/2. Hopefully I will progress over the next week so that I will be even closer next appointment on the 2nd. That is the day I enter things in the fair so I need to get things labeled so that if I am in the hospital Ray can enter my stuff in the fair.

We went ahead and booked our hotel for December down in Orlando. I use so I can get the free night for every 10 nights booked. was having a 24 hour sale on many of the hotels for up to 40-50% off so Ray and I decided to grab up the deal. We got a 3 bedroom townhouse for the four nights we are going to be there and we got it for 50%. Ray's parents and our neice may be joining us. We will have a kitchen and that will cut down on cost since we can make breakfasts and dinners while we are there. After our stay we will qualify for a free night so maybe we will take a weekend trip somewhere next spring.

The kids are very excited to go. We have three days left on our Disney tickets from February and we have to use them by December 23. Timmy has to still be 2 too or we will have to pay for him. We plan on going to the Magic Kingdom again and also the Animal Kingdom. The third day we haven't decided yet.

Ray's brother is coming into town tonight and we will be spending sometime with him this weekend. So our busy season has began.

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

You are so close! Not to rain on your parade, but with Brilee, I was dilated to a 3.5 for almost 3wks. :) But I hope we are "meeting" your new little one soon!!

and great deals on the hotel and such, sounds like lots of fun! You are ambitious planning a trip with a newborn, I am such a party pooper!