Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Caught in the Rain

Serving my mission in Seattle one would think I would be use to driving in the rain. But driving in the rain here is so different than Seattle. In Washington the roads are built to deal with the rain and run off. Here the roads literally become huge puddles if not rivers since the roads are flat with troughs from years of tire wear and no where for the water to drain off. Yesterday, Timmy and I finished up grocery shopping at the commissary. It was sprinkling as we drove in. According to the news forecast we could expect scattered thunderstorms. Arriving at the commissary the clouds were dispersing and the sun was shining.

After an hour in the store we made our way up to the front to discover thick darkness outside and pouring rain. After paying for the groceries we ran out to the van. I had left the umbrella in the van when I saw the sun was shining. I hurried and got Timmy in out of the rain and then gave the bagger an extra tip for the rain. It poured all the way home. So much so that the only thing I could see at points was the tail lights of the semi in front of me. A normal 30 minute drive took closer to an hour. Timmy feel asleep on the way so I left him sleeping in the van while I hurried and hauled the bags in then got him since I knew the rain would wake him up. Of course it stopped raining about 15 or so minutes later and was sunny the rest of the day.

An update on my other news: Congratulations to my friend Amy and husband on their beautiful new baby girl. My brother has learned that he and his wife are expecting a girl at the end of January. My cousin is expecting twin boys around the same time. I have finished several more projects but am slowing down with all my swelling and achiness.

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

yeah, I don't think I would like that rain either!!

Lots of babies this year!!